Credit: T. Robitaille

I am a freelance consultant specializing on scientific software developer. I currently lead the development of the glue package for multi-dimensional linked data visualization, and am one of the co-ordinators and lead developers for the Astropy project. You can read up about these and other projects in the Software development page.

I was formerly an astrophysicist, and from 2011 to 2015 I led a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany. As a researcher, I worked primarily on analyzing and modeling large sets of observations that trace star formation within the Milky Way. For my modeling work, I developed Hyperion, an open-source 3-d Monte-Carlo Radiative Transfer code. To find out more about my past research, see my Research page.

In addition to my software development work, I also teach scientific programming with Python to students and researchers. You can read more about these activities and access teaching materials through the Teaching page.

You can also read more about various topics related to Astronomy and Python software development on my blog.